
Zeke My Love,

I didn’t see this one coming at all!  The people that were supposed to be my Godparents are part of a polygamous sect and one of them actually believes that he replaced my father as some sort of prophet.  That’s why there are so many siblings for me, for you…

I am so confused right now! How can this be?  How can a group of Southern Baptists actually be Polygamists?  Prophet?  What the hell does that actually mean?

In one Polygamist Cult, the man rules through sex, force, forced marriage at a very young age and this one is all about the women.  The women rule through force, violence, rape and torture.  That’s why they believe this whole “you can’t steal a woman’s husband and get away with it”.  “You must die if you steal another woman’s husband.”  Hence, a piece of paper that they are calling a Court Order for the Execution of me, Lila Rose for being married to you My Love, because this so called Prophet’s daughters want to be married to you, therefore “OUR” marriage can not be recognized.   That monster is now running for  President of the United States of America and is claiming that he is leading the “New World Order”.

How the hell does a person deal with this?


Look for this new chapter soon.

In the mean time, until this page goes to press.


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